When producing planting material, it is essential to start with a clean stock. This is commonly achieved by screening all material by PCR tests, but in part this can be achieved by using indicator plants for pathogen (virus) detection.
A limitation of PCR is that the biological relevance cannot be determined when detecting a virus. With indicator plants we can determine whether a virus is biologically active. It should however be noted that not all viruses can be detected with indicator plants, it is limited to viruses that can be mechanically transmitted.
Our indicator plant service is ASLN authorised and the results can be used for an Elite certificate. We can perform the tests with two indicator plants (Chenopodium quinoa and Nicotiana occidentalis), or add a third plant (Nicotiana benthamiana) if this is required. These plants are known for their susceptibility towards a broad range of viruses.
Technical Sales Manager
M: +31 (0)6 389 702 37
E: rick.vreugdenhil@iribov.com
Account Manager Tissue Culture Flower Bulbs
T: +31 (0)72 57 42 42 27 > ask for WIm
E: wim.gutter@iribov.com
Middenweg 591b
1704 BH Heerhugowaard
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 72 5742427
Email: info@iribov.com
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