Pollen Vitality Analysis
Maximize crossing succes rates by analyzing pollen vitality through flow cytometry, conducted either at our facility or your site.
Making crosses usually is a straightforward process of taking pollen from one parent and placing them on another. But for many crops the results of these crossings can vary. There are multiple factors that influence the success rate of a crossing, but a major reason for low or no seed yield is low vitality of the pollen.
Pollen vitality can easily and accurately be measured using flow cytometry, measuring over 10.000 pollen individually in just one minute. With this tool, breeders gain valuable information about the right moment to make a crossing and the optimal storage conditions of the pollen. For more information: Pollen Vitality Analysis
What do we offer?
Pollen and microspore vitality measurements can be performed at Iribov, or at your own site using our fully configured flow cytometry setup. This powerful tool enhances the succes rate of crossings by enabling you to:
- Optimize timing of hybridization
- Determine optimal storage conditions
- Selection of preferred male lines