Bioassays and Marker Development
Level up breeding processes through the use of bioassays and the development of molecular markers at Iribov.
Resistance breeding is becoming increasingly important to keep agriculture sustainable. To be able to breed for resistance traits, it is essential to have the ability to phenotype your plants. However infection assays (bioassays) are often not desired at breeding companies itself for the risk of contamination and spread of diseases. At Iribov we offer bioassays for several plant-pathogen combinations, or we can develop a new protocol to fit your specific needs. Our in-house developed phytotrons allow us to grow your plants under controlled conditions. This way we can perform infection experiments under a broad range of environmental conditions year-round.
Marker development
The downside of a bioassay is that the plants used in the assay are not available for further breeding, so it is an indirect screening of progeny. The development of a bio-assay at Iribov can also be the start of developing a marker for your certain trait of interest. With the knowledge which plants are resistant or susceptible, we can look into the genome of the plants to develop a marker. This marker can then be used for marker-assisted breeding, on order to screen a larger amount of seedlings for your trait of interest.
More information
For more information, download the leaflet on Marker Development using GBS or contact our account manager at